Why Active Rest Days Are Important!

Sometimes you just have to ask your self whats the point? Think about it you

workout 3 to 4 times out the week and oh does it feel so good, and then boom

right out of a cannon! you feel like shit some were around getting out of bed

and around the first step into the shower, Can we all

say F$%K lol…  No but seriously! This is why rest days

are oh sooooimpotent,  Rest day is were the magic

happens! From the first day you were bone you were disined to grow

when you were in a rested state; So it only makes perfect seance that

your muscels  grow when your resting. this  truly was a game changer for me,

taking the time to educated myself and  Learning the steps to accomplishing

healthy  “Muscles  Recover” happens during rest days! Was when the Game

changed for me, it was then and only then did the belly Fat start to come off

and  started to reveal Muscle diffusion!

Workout rest time:

your work out time is were you start to

create Muscles;  Although This thought

could be a bit discouraging at less it kinda

was for me. When your newbielooking forword to bilding Muscles is  so excitting, Then you slowly come to understand  that theirs sooo  much more!

Rest Days helps the Nervous system a change to recover.

As we get older the body starts to go though changes; Taking the

time to understand how things work is key,  And belie you me you’ll start to

look forwards to those rest days, It’s the perfect time to

poor love back into your body, And NO! this doesn’t take hardly any time at all nora lots of money unless you want it to wish fine to!

I love to have something really good to eat with of course protein being the

focus! Rember this is what’s going to help create those Sexy Muscles so be

sure to have plenty of it; Just make sure to put back in what you took out…

Weather you to the  gym or workout from home so why not give our self that extra TLC

as an extra reward by taking the time to rest up and heal along the way…

Rest days allows the magic of recovery and building muscles at the same time, You go this! Now go get some rest lol.. Xoxo


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.




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