Full Moon In Capricorn

 Guys!!! Happy Full moon in Capricorn! I’m so excited to be here with you guys,

we’re still in retrograde, Pluto is in retrograde in Capricorn As I pull cards  from

My tarot deck let’s see what card came out,  The “ten of pentacles’ Yup! guys

this is such a how can I say, A very powerful and exciting time in our lives we

really went through some shit… Okayyyy! These last couple of years, to say the

least dare I say the last couple of months even,  With Pluto being in

Retrograde in Capricorn, Pluto the planet of “destruction and  re-birth

A lot of skin had to be shed, I spoke about my journey  on my #62  Episode on

{Elizabeth Magical Garden} Be sure to check it out,  In saying that; it wasn’t until

I looked back  on my own Journey I realized so much  skin has been shed,  I’m a

completely different person, We’re always ascending into our higher self in my

humble opinion,  In the ten of Pentacles She has a plethora of things in front of

her. Here’s the thing “As above so Below” “As within so with out”  This image can be

perceived either way, Meaning, Looking into the mirror  Professing the things

you want to achieving in life or You can look in the mirror and basically be

ashamed and have self loathing and not like  what you see,  that’s

deep! Wow that just came through aka sprite

massage✨  That particular download from Pluto being in retrograde in

Capricorn was a kicker, For the NEXT card, OMG! The Strength card look

at her… She’s in what I would call “paradise ”  the animals are all around her,

Just wanting to be in her gaze , As she’s

just allowing them to come close to her

Continue reading “Full Moon In Capricorn”

3 Simple way to becoming your Authentic self: Power message!

 Guy’s this is such a heavy topic,  Like when you

think about “your self “  You know, “The you”

that no body sees, “The you” that sings in the

shower as if,

your on stage and everyone is passionately 

screaming your name lol …  You know……

“The you” that’s completely Free, When not a

soul is around lol, No but

seriously on podcast Episode #62 @ Elizabeth Magical Garden be sure to

check it out,  I discussed the power of allowing yourself the space and

Freedom to be your Authentic Self.

Speaking your truth allows you to be your Authentic Self:

Continue reading “3 Simple way to becoming your Authentic self: Power message!”

Numerology meaning behind the number 9

The Number 9 is such a special number,  The fact that it takes  9 months to

create a life is magical of its own, While being the first  thing’s a young girl

learn’s as she progress and grow into a women ,  Which was the case for

me. On Elizabeth Magical Garden Podcast episode #60 Be sure to check it out
if you missed it 😉

I was lead by the “Divine”

Energy to dedicate my 60th! Podcast to the number 9,  Needless to say your

Girl was hyped 😉

Elizabeth Magical Garden

Continue reading “Numerology meaning behind the number 9”


Before I begin, Let me tell you how I Discovered the Jade roller, listening to one of my favorite podcasts AMBER-LEE LYONS aka Chakra Girl Radio https://chakragirlco.com/ On one of her lovely episodes, I heard about the Jade roller, When I heard Jade, It immediately caught my attention, I love crystal everything! Which is an understatement . Crystals have so many healing properties, I’m always looking for new ways to add them to my everyday Rituals. Continue reading “SAVE YOUR FACE WITH JADE!!!”