Self-Sabotage Why we do it? || Tips to help stop self sabotage!!!!

 Self sabotage, why we do it, On Google and here are some of the answers that was given…

1. It often stems from low self-esteem, negative self-talk, and related negative emotions, which are continually reinforced by the resulting failure.

2. Self-sabotage is your brain’s way of trying to protect you from emotional pain.

3. Self-sabotaging happens when there’s a mismatch between our values and our behavior. Elizabeth Magical Garden

Here are Three Simple tips:  That will help Change the course of your Life in a positive way!!!

Continue reading “Self-Sabotage Why we do it? || Tips to help stop self sabotage!!!!”

Trust Yourself!!!

Hey guys this week podcast was so Empowering! Trust! you want to listen,

The word “trust” has always been  such a powerful mind

fuck! if you know what I mean, While I’m happy to say with years

upon year of self-love and lots of

therapy! I’m proud to say  the word “trust” is my go to!

 I’ve  learned that trusting myself holds power!  Be sure to stay tuned and enjoy this week message! Remember the power resides within you!

Continue reading “Trust Yourself!!!”

Get smarter while walking!!!

“Death” is in the eyes of the beholder or The beholder of the “eye”

Love is what you make it, Like a cake, It’s never comes out “perfect”


As I walk to the gym I noticed how every one were kind of

happy do to the nice weather, which I could understand it was

just 10° a couple of days ago.. being efficient is extremely

important to me, thank God for audible! Right! Like were would

we be heaven for bid we would have to sit and read

a books without getting other things done just saying.. don’t get

me wrong there’s nothing like nestling up with a great book you

know setting the vibes, wine and nice blankets, candles Ext. Personally,

I love lavender something about that lavender

smell just puts me in a clam mood, in saying that I have some

tips which will enlighten your pallet for those who can’t or

doesn’t have the time as of late to sit down with a great book.

Continue reading “Get smarter while walking!!!”

Time planned is neven wasted || Were do you waste energy??

Hi guys welcome back to the blog were here, making it a point to visit our blog

post at least every two weeks! our new topic this week  is all about setting a

specific intention in where you spend your energy! I know for me if it wasn’t for

pen and paper things would really be in a gruesomely dark space, Just saying…

I find every time I took time to write things down,  as well as break those goals

down,  Allows room to be in such a winning space.  think about it; allowing

yourself the freedom to think, the freedom to execute your goal due to the

process of elimination of all the things that doesn’t serve you guys… We’re

about to get really specific!

Continue reading “Time planned is neven wasted || Were do you waste energy??”

Luna the magical cat!!!

Hey my love welcome back to this weeks blog post,

I have been loving the beautiful Fall weather!

I can already feel the crisp Energy as well as feeling  it in my

bones, I don’t know about you guys but whenever the weather is going to

change I definitely can feel it weeks ahead, I use to think it was age,

But come to think about it, I’ve been like that since i was little girl I’m extremely

susceptive to the weather‘s shift in energy, with that being said the air

definitely pulled in the tied, A force of some magical  loving energy has

entered my life and her

Name is Luna. funny it how it feels like she’s been here forever, It’s only

been a couple of days shy from a week that she’s has

entered our lives.

🌸Luna the magical cat🌸

Continue reading “Luna the magical cat!!!”

Gratitude and Joy!

Guy’s well come back to the blog! One of the things I pride myself in, Is always

having Gratitude! So today I dedicate this Blog post to just that, Two yeas ago I

had a dream actually I had many dreams, but this one in partucuarly,  was to

create a  Podcast, Yes two years of, Self-doubt and wandering if I really had

what it takes to follow though, now here we are Two Years Later at

100 down loads 🎉

 The Proud owner and Founder of

 Elizabeth Magical Garden! Continue reading “Gratitude and Joy!”

3 ways spinach can help you look and feel younger!

Hey guy’s welcome back to the blog! I’m so excited to dive into the topic  of

beauty and health, It’s funny although it’s common sense, While one would

say common sense is not that common lol food play such a Major part in not

only our health but also what our skin looks like. Growing up watching the

cartoon character ‘Pop-eye the sailor man”When ever he was in a pinch he

would eat his spinach, And just like that his body would literally transform into

muscle machine! Now I’m not saying your going to have muscles bulging out

the arms, But this supper food has it’s benefits that can be seen from the inside out!

Here are three ways Spinach can  help you look and feel younger! 

Continue reading “3 ways spinach can help you look and feel younger!”

3 Tips on how to release trapped emotions!

Releasing trapped emotions

is something I had to lean the

value of, And man

 it took me almost a lifetime to

learn, And to be honest I’m still leaning, Here

are three helpful tips I believe that can help you live a more freeing yet

peaceful life.

Release trapped emotions:

Speak to someone” that you trust” Believe me when I tell you I’m a very

private person, Speaking to anybody about my feelings has never came easy

form me BUT iv learned releasing trapped emotion is a healing journey .

 Finding somebody to speak to helps you release TRAPPED emotions that you

didn’t even notice, over the years that you were still holding on to. Which helps

you realize your self from the inside out.  One of the ways that helped me to

releasing trapped emotion was seeking out a therapist, Now I know

everyone isn’t into speaking to a  therapist so hear me out, I to was one of “those

people for a time, But guess what when the shit hits the fan, All that changed

for me and I’ve never looked back. If you

don’t want to speak to someone that you know on a personal level this is

definitely an option. Continue reading “3 Tips on how to release trapped emotions!”