Win the day – Success is yours!
“A man who dares to waste
one hour of time has not
discovered the value of life”.
– Charles Darwin
Magical garden reaching for the stars
Win the day – Success is yours!
“A man who dares to waste
one hour of time has not
discovered the value of life”.
– Charles Darwin
When spring arrives- the mind blossoms
Now that the sun is staying out later – it’s very easy to feel all the things
that comes with spring –
All those projects you told your self over the winter that you would get to:
The overwhelming filling of having to get it all these things done
can live you felling well… not to sunny inside,
Researchers has be none to say that the arrival of spring can bring a
surprising feeling of sadness – This is often happens due to a
contrast effect, where the brightening weather and longer days
tends to bring on inner feelings of sadness or loneliness feel more
prominent. – The pressure to be happy and active can also
be overwhelming. It’s important to remember that you
don’t have to feel ‘springy’ – because spring is here.
There was a time I would put so much pressure on my self to have
every thing looking it’s best and feeling my best – man that would be
so far from the truth – not only did I not feel my best I would
create such an unreachable gaol for myself to get everything done
at a certain time – by the 3rd week of spring I would be burnt
out, Leading me to chuck – the list to the said some were along the way.
This is what you don’t want to do my friend – here are some key
points that will help you not only achieve all the things on your list –
these tips will allow you to have fun while doing so:
me it’s very every easy to get carried away with our tasks leading
to forget to stay hydrated.
down in the long run – if your not the kind of person who likes to
eat big meals – I find having peaces of fruit to be very helpful
to beside about putting your favorite song on blast – while doing
house work or any kind of task were your moving around.
having this kind of mind set allows you to pace your self – allowing
room for rest and recovery – which is very important in achieving any gaol.
The End!
Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.
As Romans 13 : 12 reads:
The experiences at the spa is always so interesting; it could get really colorful
depending on were you go and I guys I mean colorful Lol be live me when I tell
you; I’ve been to some real dives but don’t get it twisted I’ve received some of
the best Mani pedi from some of those places. Now that your girl has grown a
bit Lol.. It’s time for your girl to branch on to bigger and better things no more
of the days were the mom with the kids running around While the poor mom is
trying to squeeze in some me time; As a mom myself I always feel for the mom
I remember when I had to do the same ones upon a time.
I vowed to myself moving forward in 2024 I will only go to the spa so i can
receive the kind of service only a spa can provide. Continue reading “Things you should expect at the Spa!”
Now that we are in the heart of the winter; Dry skin has really been a thing’; I
love to use things that make me feel good as well as look good; there is
something to be said about seeing lovely skincare on your makeup space..
Clinque is a family favorite; I remember my mother using Clinque products;
Continue reading “Why illuminating the skin turns back the hands of time!”
“The paralyzed man” but
Mark 2:1-28
as a soures of strength in our Lives?
Life can thorough you curveballs but it doesn’t main you have to hang around
to catch it! like were does it say we really have to do anything. Yes! We all
participate in life to live in harmony with one another, Yes there’s also others
whom would rather give two F#$ks! Thing is… You have the choose to make
the changes in your life but YOU! have to participate in you..
Continue reading ““The paralyzed man” Mark 2:1-28 as sores of strength in our lives?”
Now you might be saying why walking with time.. what a title! But before we
get in to all of that hi my name is Elizabeth from Elizabeth Magical Garden!
Wow.. Like I just had to start the year off right and formally introduce myself..
which brings me to our topic ; “waking with time“
I had such a great experience on one of the days i was out on my mornings
My loves welcome back to the blog! Man the year just stared and it already
feels like were in the thick of it!
One of the things I’ve been doing my best to keep tabs on is how am I feeling
internally; The best way to get an honest answer; Is to set time out to
sit with God.. when we set time aside to talk with God we can more so hear
what Gods path is for our lives.. And guess what; Your in luck!.. This week
Continue reading “Why listening to the word of God will help you reach your goals!”