Why “Practicing Gratitude” slows down the aging process!!!


How is it possible; By “Practicing Gratitude”  you age less ☀️just like the

Sun, We give so much of ourselves with out even knowing!  How

many people you’ve helped over the years, If you identify with any of these

Mother, home maker, wifesister, girlfriend you’ve more

then likely given your share of time, performed selfless

deeds!  Especially if your in your late 40’s, 50’s, 60’s! 

You maybe asking Why is that? Well in short;  you know the value of  giving!

Give and you shall receive, Although an old saying it’s still plays a major role today!

Giving thanks!

Is why thanksgiving is one of the top most celebrated holidays,  No matter if

your down with the festivities or not. I think we can all agree,  this is the time

when must people a tend to be much more gracious.

Practicing Gratitude allows you to not only feel good

Gratitude allows the mind to be at ease and brings forth a feeling of rest, this

kind of calm brings about peaces as well as the willingness to look forward to

the future! when we practice gratitude there is an overwhelming amount of

joy that tends to follow with it. peace joyand clam = A more  youthfull Existence

Peaces of Mind!

Practicing Gratitude improves sleep, and we all know good sleep goes hand in

hand abling the body to heal its self which could slow down the process of

fine line and wrinkles!  as well as improves mood and the immunity. Taking

time out of your day; to look up and give thinks is the easiest

way to turn back the hands of time!


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.




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