Walking with time!

Now you might be saying why walking with time.. what a title! But before we

get in to all of that hi my name is Elizabeth from Elizabeth Magical Garden!

Wow..   Like I just had to start the year off right and formally introduce myself..

which brings me to our  topic ; “waking with time“

I had such a great experience  on one of the days i was out on my mornings

walks! Which was such a vibe for me! Yes I’m one of those people who sees

the opportunity to make everything a vibe! I believe life is  delicious  in saying

that   we should do all enjoy it  when  the opportunity  presents itself!


This day in particular was gray and rainy but not

heavy.. Guys when I tell you it was an experience I

mean it! Moving along as I like to get my steps in…

The rain started to get heavier being that I didn’t

have an upper I stood under a big tree… And no

there wasn’t any thunder because lets face it; that wouldn’t  have  been the

best spot to Stand lol…  As I stood there witnessing how peaceful and quiet

and desolate the park was for the most part anyway..

And there is was the Sun! Guys in that moment

as the sun started to shine something happened

from with in me! Hence  “ walk with time” was

released! Truth of the matter is; If I would’ve

left, the opportunity to witnessed such a

beautiful view would’ve been  lost…. I made it a point to push through in the rain with out an umbrella; I stayed to the end!

Where I got to see the other side; God is in nature! When we allow ourselves to

trust and submit to the well of God; We always win! To God be the glory;

Conclusion : When the time comes for you to pursue your dreams; I hope you

remember this; Stick it out with God for he will always show his face! Hebrews 13:5 5

Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





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