Numerology meaning behind the number 9

The Number 9 is such a special number,  The fact that it takes  9 months to

create a life is magical of its own, While being the first  thing’s a young girl

learn’s as she progress and grow into a women ,  Which was the case for

me. On Elizabeth Magical Garden Podcast episode #60 Be sure to check it out
if you missed it 😉

I was lead by the “Divine”

Energy to dedicate my 60th! Podcast to the number 9,  Needless to say your

Girl was hyped 😉

Elizabeth Magical Garden

In Numerology the number nine is connected to Goddess Energy :

While  also  being connected to :

 🌸  Rebirth 🌸

🌸  Growth 🌸

🌸  Good luck🌸

The Numeral number nine in astrology.

Is associated with Sagittarius, This is the sign of great

understanding and Fire Energy,

 With the  manipulation of both worlds, Sagittarius is connected to the Stentor

Half man Half Beast, Bringing forth good news and great power.

 Nine plays so many Intricate parts in our lives, It allows us to understand peace, love and harmony.

 Think about it, The number nine was chosen to create  ” Life ”  and why is that?

I believe it’s  the connection of life,  The number Nine is associated with completion which is really funny,

 In my last blog post titled : The Wheel of Fortune be sure

to check that out , The Wheel of Fortune  association

is with the number 10  funny right! I found it to be very interesting , The Fact that I

was led by  the divine to discuss the number nine

Go figure on my 60th podcast at that!


The next time you see a women or a baby remember: The number ” Nine “

pertaining to its Power, Energy and  the Magic be hind the number 😉

I am so grateful and honored to have been a channeled vessel , in delivering

this beautiful message to you. I pray this message receives you in great health

and prosperity xoxo 💫












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