Change your style – change yourlife!

Diana Ross


Everyday women all over the world are feeling less beautiful no matter how people on the outside may pensive them – you know the old saying ” beauty is in the eyas of the beholder”-

Isn’t funny how one person can get up feeling one way before coffee and makeup – then after a hour or two she’s a completely different person?

My goal in today’s blog – is to help you see thing’s from roses colored glass – helping you to see things from a – “slightly different angle” if you would –

These past couple of month I’ve  observed  in myself-  how “different” my life has changed one’s I made it a point to “change my outlook” on life.

Style –

One of the things I’ve  miss about going to a physical job is getting ready in the morning’s -If your anything like me getting in front of a mirror with a hot black cup of coffee ; oh and my mirror has lights all around it with three different stings; so I can truly feel like a star in the morning’s – which such a vibe  –

Unfortunately I stopped one’s I stopped having to go out for work. Oh my;  how the mind work’s – we are “visual beings” the eye love beautiful things; It’s no wonder  I stared to feel like ” look what the cat dragged in” I may be exaggerating a bit – looking back it was all in my mind – all I needed was to carve out some  time in the morning’s so I could give myself some TLC..

Femme fatale

Doing kind things for you self is more then just setting in front of a mirror and getting GlamIt’s healing and down right good for the soul and don’t let any one tell you different – this is why old Glam is still King till this very day- These women understood the importers of what I like to call it  “showing up for the day” showing up for the day is key in allowing you to receive the most out of your day.

let’s be honest – Sex sales it just does, You could never go wrong with turning on your Femme fatale .

A Femme fatale : achieve her hidden purpose by using feminine walessuch as beauty, charm or sexual allure.

it was the sexual allure that was an issue for me – it wasn’t until I changed how I viewed things – was I able to feel comfortable to find and own my on femme fatale which I believe is part of the sense of a women true power from within –

you can’t tell me you don’t notice the difference in people when your glamed and when your not-

Don’t get me wrong I understand it’s not easy what I’m suggesting – but if your serious  about change for your Life you’d be better of to take heed to what I’ve been saying .

I’m sure you look amazing no matter what you do – but remember “Man do not live on bread alone” – how you look does effect how you feel so why not use it to your advantage; why not get that extra shote of exposure for free  – all because you took an extra five minutes to put on some lip stike  today – and yes Red is your color!

Listen –  life has it’s on cup of tea if you know what I mean; so why not show up to the battle wearing a gown!


“If your not invited to the party-

throw your own”  




The End!


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





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