Understanding the true meaning of life – “self awareness
Remember when 90’s r&b was hot back I’m the day – ah the good old day’s;
those we’re the times when people were what seem’s the happiest and
artists took the time to create music that shed light and love.
With the world now promoting Misery and doubt – it’s no wonder the world has
become such a lonely place- or is it?

The meaning of loneliness :
“Loneliness” : some type of life transition or
lifestyle choice that reduces the number of
perceived connections with other people, both
physically and emotionally :
The question posed ; what created the “loneliness”
people are now feeling – in a would filled with social media one would think
people would be
anything but: think about it – social connection is just
a click away – with the massive upgrades of the cell phones people are staying
connected even more then before- in my day – the only way you were able to
connected to your friends – was to go outside or have a sleep over; well that’s
if your partners were A) cool enough B) could afford such gatherings- A or B
wasn’t happening in my home due to my mom being a single parent- her mean
concern was keeping us safe and putting food on the table; none the less I had
a great child hood – I’m proud to say.
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