Just another day – why ask why

Just another day – why ask why

Now that spring is officially here; the time has come – for the “re-introduction”

of getting conformable with the  unconformable in these next  few moths.


Time to hammer out all the negative thoughts  – you’ve been holding on to all winter – thoughts  of lake.  low self wreath – not expecting  to be on the winning side  of life  –

  • wine at love
  • wine at relationships
  • wine at life

Continue reading “Just another day – why ask why”

Understanding the true meaning of life – “self awareness”

Understanding the true meaning of life – “self awareness 

Remember when 90’s r&b was hot back I’m the day – ah the good old day’s;

those we’re the  times when  people were what seem’s the happiest and

artists took the time to create music that shed light and love.

With the world now promoting Misery and doubt – it’s no wonder the world has

become such a lonely place- or is it?

The meaning of loneliness :

“Loneliness” : some type of life transition or

lifestyle choice that reduces the number of

perceived connections with other people, both

physically and emotionally :

The question posed ; what created the “loneliness

people are now feeling – in a would filled with social media one would think 🤔 people would be

anything but: think about it – social connection is just

a click away – with the massive upgrades of the cell phones people are staying

connected even more then before-  in my day – the only way you were able to

connected to your friends – was to go outside or have a sleep over; well that’s

if your partners were A) cool enough B) could afford such gatherings- A or B

wasn’t happening in my home due to my mom being a single parent- her mean

concern was  keeping us safe and putting food on the table; none the less I had

a great child hood – I’m proud to say.

Continue reading “Understanding the true meaning of life – “self awareness””

Ageism’s Impact in the Black Community

Ageism’s Impact in the Black Community

Ageism intersects with racial discrimination to create unique challenges for Black individuals:

black people are being faced with the on going question – across the bord; who is going to look after me when I get older and how can I receive a fear shoot with out being discriminated? 

Age has always been a sensitive topic with more communities –  with out love one around; many are faces the aging process alone ; Especially in the lower income family with in the black communities

Intergenerational Wealth Gap: Historical discrimination and systemic barriers have made it harder for older Black adults to accumulate wealth, affecting their retirement security and access to care. Continue reading “Ageism’s Impact in the Black Community”

Black history – The magic of “Afro – Hair”

I couldn’t end this month  – with out discussing the power of “Afro – hair “  for centuries  black women hair has been a hot topic, So much that in 1786, the Tignon Laws were passed in Louisiana,

requiring Black women to cover their hair

with a cloth head covering (tignon). This

law was enacted because free women of

color were wearing elaborate hairstyles;

but of corse the power of “black a women” could never be with out with out its own bones – black women started to adorn

there hared rapes with pearl, flowers and so much more bring even more Continue reading “Black history – The magic of “Afro – Hair””

black history -Josephine Baker’s Fashion Revolution

Josephine Baker’s Fashion Revolution

Josephine Baker – The iconic performer revolutionized stage fashion with her

daring costumes and glamorous style, becoming one of the most

photographed women of her era.

Evening Wear – Off-stage, she popularized sleek, form-fitting evening gowns

and embraced the flapper style while adding her unique cultural flair.

Continue reading “black history -Josephine Baker’s Fashion Revolution”

Black history – Head raps

Black history – Head raps

The history of head wraps (also known as head ties or turbans) among Black

women dates back to slavery in America, but their origins trace back even

further to West Africa where they were symbols of status and identity. During

slavery in America (1619-1865), head wraps became both a practical necessity

and a form of cultural resistance. They were initially forced upon enslaved women as a symbol of oppression, Continue reading “Black history – Head raps”

2025 Now what? “Do what works”

Happy New Year guys! 2025 is here to stay we’ll at lest for 12 months- So Now

what?  Ever year were fast with the question of what next this question can live

use feel lonely and undeserving of the thought of starting over way it be a new

life or a complete change altogether.

So how do we get pass these thought or even the feeling of being

undeserving!  visualization: Start with clearly visualizing what you want your

Continue reading “2025 Now what? “Do what works””

Starting over- incorporate pass “achievements” –

2025 is around the Conner! wowhoo!!! I don’t know about you – I’m gone and

ready; there’s life to live lit’s do this – there’s no better time like the present!

This week’s episode we disused { why starting over – or what I like to say

starting fresh}  “Romanticize your Life” is the name of the gain.

one of the topic that was discussed on  the podcast Episode #217  @Elizabeth

magical garden; Why reusing old content or past work ie. panting, creating

music writing dancing ex. One of the things artiest tend to suffer with –  “the

concept of space”how we view or self is not always the truth – this mental

construct doesn’t allow you to appreciate– how far you’ve come. Living you

with the feelings of being  an under achiever – The knowledge” of recognizing the amount of time “you’ve worked” on any particular form of art:  you’ve most likely acquired some skills along the way.

Continue reading “Starting over- incorporate pass “achievements” –”

Happy day’s are here again! Self- Care and why it’s important for you.

Happy day’s are here again

can you belie the holidays are here and Christmas is wright around the corner –

I don’t know about you but; I can’t wait to feel all the feels while seeing family

and friends open  all there Christmas gifts I’ve worked so hard to get for them –

just so it could be all over in seconds lol

Lesten time is moving faster then we can move – Time is moving so fast that

carving time out for  self clear could feel like a luxury;  well  girlfriend I’m here

to tell you its not a luxury it’s necessary in order for you to continue showing up

for the people you love; You know the old saying “If our cup is empty – you

can’t fill someone elses cup” period! Continue reading “Happy day’s are here again! Self- Care and why it’s important for you.”