So what if you don’t have enough! 7 way’s to live like a Move star!
Hey guy’s welcome bake to the blog! before I star I just waned to take the time to say think you for taking time out of your day to read and support this blog! can we say “super” because that who you are!
over the course of the years I’ve had my own fear share of the blue’s which always happen to be around the beginning of fall or winter – something I’ve come to notes about myself over the course of the years .
Millions if not bellones of people are suffering with “seasonal depression” – of some kind – I discussed this topic on this week’s spend the day with me vlog’s
“seasonal depression” – has even been none to be one of the most highly ranked courses of why people struggle around this time :
Researchers has been none to say : Some causes of seasonal depression:
(Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons. The causes are not fully understood, but several factors may contribute:
- Reduced sunlight: Less sunlight in fall and winter can disrupt your body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm), leading to feelings of depression.
- Drop in serotonin: Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood.
- Melatonin imbalance: The change in season can disrupt the balance of melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.
- Vitamin D deficiency: Less sunlight exposure can lead to lower vitamin D levels, which has been linked to depression.
- Biological clock change: The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may disrupt your body’s internal clock, leading to feelings of depression.
It’s important to note: that while these are common factors, seasonal depression can vary from person to person. If you’re experiencing symptoms, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
So I think it’s safe to say – your not crazy and your not just having mood swing : Seasonal depression is real!
so what can be done ? how can we get pass this let along feel like a movie Star!
Your in luck I’m going to share a few full proof tips: Just to be clear when I say “full proof” – It’s only full proof if you actually create time to apply it – If your taking the time out of your day to read this vlog it’s safe to say your open to receive some advice.
- Create space for you mental well being – You are always #1 first thing in the morning’s- remember if your Cup is not full – You wont be able to fill someone easels cup; so give your self the gift of time; you’ll thank yourself later trust me.
- wake up early : I’ve spoken about the importance of waking up early and some cool tip’s as well on my podcast and Vlog- waking up early allows you space and mental clarity .
- Put on some make – up! this is the fastest way to put on an alter ego in my opinion – even if your not a make-up person – make your self personable; you be surprised what a cute outfit will do for your ego, put on something you don’t mind Turing a few head’s in.
- exercise – it’s important to move your body every day; it’s almost impossible to not feel and look your best when incorporating and keeping up with this daily routine.
- site time aside to create- Create what ever you want! it could even be something that the only eyes will see it will be your own and that’s okay too! creating see a powerful yet calim way to tap in to your conscious mind; here is were you can set the tone of your own realty. use this time to see your self as the star you are rember you are the main caretor.
- Go out in natur – spending time in nature will not only help put you in a good mood – it will also assess you on you quest on your vision of your self. Strut your stuff – show the would how loved and converdent you are – this type of energy is enfectious- there somthing about seeeing a conferdent persoin that makes you want to look and be the same –
- Have a good prayer life – I belive prayer is so importent – when it comes to how we veiw our self’s and the thing;s we belive we can do in the world. No matter your spiritual connection.
Being Star quality : is what lies from within – keep up with these tip’s – see yourslf shining brighter then ever before.
The End!
Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.