Just another day – why ask why

Just another day – why ask why

Now that spring is officially here; the time has come – for the “re-introduction”

of getting conformable with the  unconformable in these next  few moths.


Time to hammer out all the negative thoughts  – you’ve been holding on to all winter – thoughts  of lake.  low self wreath – not expecting  to be on the winning side  of life  –

  • wine at love
  • wine at relationships
  • wine at life

Continue reading “Just another day – why ask why”

  Walk into your “new life” with power!


Walk into your “new life” with power!

Now that spring is around the Conner we are all frost to look in our closet to

see what works as fashion tells what is no longer the it thing to were and

women in there 40’s and 50’s are still try to finger out how to get a good night

sleep;  with waking up in a “puddle of sweet” I’ll leave that for another blog post:

so what is it about the spring that has everyone filling  like kicking everything

they owned or loved at one time or anther that’s no longer works in there

closet? One of the things I’ve noticed in the few times I’d head out to the

stores;  everything pretty much looks the same –  what one would call  “fast


fashion” like your h&m’s,  Zara and so forth-  now before you get all up and

arm’s;  by no means am popping on these branded – I still have alot of pieces

from these brands that I  love. – as fear as fashion I believed I’ve picked in the

80’s and 90’s and if you were born in the 70’s you know what I mean.  the

“chuck julary” to the baggy – jeans were movies like boomerang t.v, shows like


martin were setting the tone when it came to street – wear; oh don’t get me on

the music can we say ” Don’t go chasing water falls by

TLC! I still  see remnants of “punk rock” and” hip-hop” in

my wardrobe if I’m being perfectly honest.

Many women in their 40s and 50s experience feeling stuck with fashion for several key reasons:

  • Changing Body Shape: Natural physical changes during this life stage can make previously reliable styles feel less flattering, leading to uncertainty about what works now.
  • Fashion Industry Focus: Most fashion marketing and trends target younger demographics, making it challenging to find age-appropriate yet stylish inspiration.
  • Identity Transition: This age brings significant life changes, causing women to question their personal style and how to express themselves authentically.
  • Societal Expectations: Conflicting messages about “age-appropriate” dressing versus staying trendy can create confusion and hesitation.
  • Limited Options: Many clothing lines don’t cater well to this age group, offering either overly young or matronly options with little in between.

Theses phase can be an opportunity to redefine personal style and embrace fashion that combines comfort, sophistication, and self-expression.

How ever this phase can be an opportunity to redefine personal style and embrace fashion that combines comfort, sophistication, and self-expression.

Breaking Free from Fashion Stagnation

Just because your in the second act of life doesn’t  men your not part of the

man stage! Despite what all the society may say; your  chic ! I remember a time

I stared to filling done about ageing especially  when menopause hit  like a

tone of breaks! It was no joke;  it left me feeling tired and unworthy no longer

filling like myself;  it wasn’t until I faced my on reality did I start to met my self

were Iwas at aka my new reality . No I’m not in my 20’s 30’s hack not even in

my 40’s and you know what  that’s OKAY –  I’m in my beautiful 50’s!  and

thank God for itand you should too no matter were you fall in the spectrum.

It’s just a number that society has manipulated to make a profit off you.

Fashion can still be fun; you can still shine with what you already have in your

closet. Think about it – most of the stuff there putting out in the stores; you

probably already have or had at one point or anther; you just need a little refresher that’s all ; so here are some helpful tip:

  • Experiment with Classics: Build a wardrobe of timeless pieces that can be styled in modern ways
  • Focus on Fit: Invest in quality tailoring to ensure clothes complement your current body shape
  • Mix High and Low: Combine investment pieces with trendy accessories to create fresh, age-appropriate looks
  • Trust Your Instincts: Choose clothes that make you feel confident, regardless of “age-appropriate” rules

“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” – Betty Friedan

The next time you start to daut yourself remind your self you are a bright and

shining star with the ability to light up the room; with your smile and you kin

seance of fashion and wisdom!


The End!


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.




Ageism’s Impact in the Black Community

Ageism’s Impact in the Black Community

Ageism intersects with racial discrimination to create unique challenges for Black individuals:

black people are being faced with the on going question – across the bord; who is going to look after me when I get older and how can I receive a fear shoot with out being discriminated? 

Age has always been a sensitive topic with more communities –  with out love one around; many are faces the aging process alone ; Especially in the lower income family with in the black communities

Intergenerational Wealth Gap: Historical discrimination and systemic barriers have made it harder for older Black adults to accumulate wealth, affecting their retirement security and access to care. Continue reading “Ageism’s Impact in the Black Community”

Black history – The magic of “Afro – Hair”

I couldn’t end this month  – with out discussing the power of “Afro – hair “  for centuries  black women hair has been a hot topic, So much that in 1786, the Tignon Laws were passed in Louisiana,

requiring Black women to cover their hair

with a cloth head covering (tignon). This

law was enacted because free women of

color were wearing elaborate hairstyles;

but of corse the power of “black a women” could never be with out with out its own bones – black women started to adorn

there hared rapes with pearl, flowers and so much more bring even more Continue reading “Black history – The magic of “Afro – Hair””

black history -Josephine Baker’s Fashion Revolution

Josephine Baker’s Fashion Revolution

Josephine Baker – The iconic performer revolutionized stage fashion with her

daring costumes and glamorous style, becoming one of the most

photographed women of her era.

Evening Wear – Off-stage, she popularized sleek, form-fitting evening gowns

and embraced the flapper style while adding her unique cultural flair.

Continue reading “black history -Josephine Baker’s Fashion Revolution”

Black history – Head raps

Black history – Head raps

The history of head wraps (also known as head ties or turbans) among Black

women dates back to slavery in America, but their origins trace back even

further to West Africa where they were symbols of status and identity. During

slavery in America (1619-1865), head wraps became both a practical necessity

and a form of cultural resistance. They were initially forced upon enslaved women as a symbol of oppression, Continue reading “Black history – Head raps”

2025 Now what? “Do what works”

Happy New Year guys! 2025 is here to stay we’ll at lest for 12 months- So Now

what?  Ever year were fast with the question of what next this question can live

use feel lonely and undeserving of the thought of starting over way it be a new

life or a complete change altogether.

So how do we get pass these thought or even the feeling of being

undeserving!  visualization: Start with clearly visualizing what you want your

Continue reading “2025 Now what? “Do what works””

Starting over- incorporate pass “achievements” –

2025 is around the Conner! wowhoo!!! I don’t know about you – I’m gone and

ready; there’s life to live lit’s do this – there’s no better time like the present!

This week’s episode we disused { why starting over – or what I like to say

starting fresh}  “Romanticize your Life” is the name of the gain.

one of the topic that was discussed on  the podcast Episode #217  @Elizabeth

magical garden; Why reusing old content or past work ie. panting, creating

music writing dancing ex. One of the things artiest tend to suffer with –  “the

concept of space”how we view or self is not always the truth – this mental

construct doesn’t allow you to appreciate– how far you’ve come. Living you

with the feelings of being  an under achiever – The knowledge” of recognizing the amount of time “you’ve worked” on any particular form of art:  you’ve most likely acquired some skills along the way.

Continue reading “Starting over- incorporate pass “achievements” –”

Happy day’s are here again! Self- Care and why it’s important for you.

Happy day’s are here again

can you belie the holidays are here and Christmas is wright around the corner –

I don’t know about you but; I can’t wait to feel all the feels while seeing family

and friends open  all there Christmas gifts I’ve worked so hard to get for them –

just so it could be all over in seconds lol

Lesten time is moving faster then we can move – Time is moving so fast that

carving time out for  self clear could feel like a luxury;  well  girlfriend I’m here

to tell you its not a luxury it’s necessary in order for you to continue showing up

for the people you love; You know the old saying “If our cup is empty – you

can’t fill someone elses cup” period! Continue reading “Happy day’s are here again! Self- Care and why it’s important for you.”

Life goes on – moving on when the odds tells you not to!

Life goes on – moving on when the odds tells you not to!


Sometime you have to cute ties and move on – how to cope with lose in order

to follow and archive your dreams.

There’s not a corner in the world were there is nt at least one person who isn’t

morning some kind of relationship ; whether that be a person place or thing –

we all had to make decisions  at one  point in our life- to give or self a fighting

chance in  getting what were mente to have in our life’s – see I believe there

comes a time for  prayer and ther comes a time for action.

Studies have shown these key benefits of pursuing your dreams and taking action:

  • Increased Life Satisfaction: Research indicates that people who actively pursue their goals report 40% higher life satisfaction scores compared to those who don’t.
  • Better Mental Health: Studies demonstrate that having a sense of purpose and working towards dreams reduces stress levels and symptoms of anxiety by up to 30%.
  • Higher Success Rate: Data shows that individuals who create action plans and take consistent steps toward their goals are 3 times more likely to achieve them compared to those who only dream without action.

Continue reading “Life goes on – moving on when the odds tells you not to!”

Starting over – midlife

After decades of searching for that one thing that makes you tic! – I’m happy to say I’ve found it – even though it took me over not one but 5 decades to archive that discovery.

People all over the word live life with out ever having the feeling of the freedom of joy, love and self discovery; this passion,    weather it be a places, subject, hobby or  job ext, something that would be pursued even if no one would ever experience the joy with them. Continue reading “Starting over – midlife”

Halloween act.2

Happy Halloween Guy’s! we’ve been waiting all year for this..  wishing you all

the sweet spooky magical fun –

Whether you are a magical practitioner or a driver by agent of all things new

age.. Halloween is  time  were people from all over the world use this day to let

there aka let there freak  flag fly – women get to let  loss – feed there inner

deicers  – That’s the day it’s perfectly fine  seeing  your neighbor  in there underwear lolHalloween act.2

Continue reading “Halloween act.2”

Don’t let time pass you by!

Don’t let time pass you by!

when ever I think about the pass, I can’t help but wonder were did the time go! this is a question millions of people across the world are thinking to there self every day ..

why do we spend so much time in the pass only to let time  pass by-

one’s I turned  “50” this question present’s it’s’ self  a little these day’s.

So what can be done? it’s not like we can get in a time machine and turn back the hands of time like –

Michael J fox did in move titled ” back to the future” – It’s a good feeling to know that I was part of some of an area in time were some of the most remarkable moments that

 brought forth-  some of the greats – movies, music, food and clothing style’s the late 80’s were differently my  most colorful day’s – and yes the “neon socks” were a BIG thing! Continue reading “Don’t let time pass you by!”

So what if you don’t have enough 7 way’s to live like a Move star!


So what if you don’t have enough! 7 way’s to live like a Move star!

Hey guy’s welcome bake to the blog! before I star I just waned to take the time to say think you for taking time out of your day to read and support this blog! can we say “super” because that who you are!

over the course of the years I’ve had my own fear share of the blue’s  which always happen to be around the beginning of fall or winter – something I’ve come to notes about myself over the course of the years .

Millions if not bellones of people are suffering with “seasonal depression” – of some kind – I discussed this topic on this week’s spend the day with me vlog’s  

“seasonal depression” –  has even been none to be one of the most highly ranked courses of why people struggle around this time :

Researchers   has been none to say : Some causes of seasonal depression:

(Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons. The causes are not fully understood, but several factors may contribute:

  • Reduced sunlight: Less sunlight in fall and winter can disrupt your body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm), leading to feelings of depression.
  • Drop in serotonin: Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood.
  • Melatonin imbalance: The change in season can disrupt the balance of melatonin, which plays a role in sleep patterns and mood.
  • Vitamin D deficiency: Less sunlight exposure can lead to lower vitamin D levels, which has been linked to depression.
  • Biological clock change: The reduced level of sunlight in fall and winter may disrupt your body’s internal clock, leading to feelings of depression.

It’s important to note:  that while these are common factors, seasonal depression can vary from person to person. If you’re experiencing symptoms, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


So I think it’s safe to say –  your not crazy  and your not just having mood swing : Seasonal depression is real!

so what can be done ? how can we get pass this  let along feel like a  movie Star!

 Your in luck I’m going to share a few full proof tips:   Just to be clear when I say “full proof” – It’s  only  full proof if you actually create time to apply it –  If your taking the time out of your day to read this vlog it’s safe to say your open to receive some advice. 

  1. Create space for you mental well being – You are always #1 first thing in the morning’s-  remember if your Cup is not full – You wont be able to fill someone easels cup; so give your self the gift of time; you’ll thank yourself later trust me.
  2. wake up early : I’ve spoken about the importance of waking up early and some cool tip’s as well on my podcast and Vlog- waking up early allows you space and mental  clarity .
  3. Put on some make – up!  this is the fastest way to put on an alter ego in my opinion – even if your not a make-up person – make your self personable; you be surprised what a cute outfit will do for your ego,  put on something you don’t mind Turing a few head’s in.
  4. exercise – it’s important to move your body every day; it’s almost impossible to not feel and look your best when incorporating and keeping up with this daily routine.
  5. site time aside to create- Create what ever you want! it could even be something that the only eyes will see it will be your own  and that’s okay too!  creating see a powerful yet calim way to tap in to your conscious mind; here is were you can set the tone of your own realty. use this time to see your self as the star you are rember you are the main caretor.
  6. Go out in natur – spending time in nature will not only help put you in a good mood – it will also assess you on you quest on  your vision of your self. Strut your stuff – show the would how loved and converdent you are this type of energy is enfectious- there somthing about seeeing a conferdent persoin that makes you want to look and be the same –
  7. Have a good prayer life  – I belive prayer is so importent – when it comes to how we veiw our self’s and the thing;s we belive we can do in the world. No matter your spiritual connection.

Being Star quality : is what lies from within –  keep up with these tip’s –  see yourslf shining brighter then ever before.

The End!


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





Change your style – change yourlife!

Diana Ross


Everyday women all over the world are feeling less beautiful no matter how people on the outside may pensive them – you know the old saying ” beauty is in the eyas of the beholder”-

Isn’t funny how one person can get up feeling one way before coffee and makeup – then after a hour or two she’s a completely different person?

My goal in today’s blog – is to help you see thing’s from roses colored glass – helping you to see things from a – “slightly different angle” if you would –

These past couple of month I’ve  observed  in myself-  how “different” my life has changed one’s I made it a point to “change my outlook” on life.

Style –

One of the things I’ve  miss about going to a physical job is getting ready in the morning’s -If your anything like me getting in front of a mirror with a hot black cup of coffee ; oh and my mirror has lights all around it with three different stings; so I can truly feel like a star in the morning’s – which such a vibe  –

Continue reading “Change your style – change yourlife!”

Say yes to life – Win the big picture!

In the quiet of the dawn, a moment’s peace is found, To sit in silent contemplation, where no distractions abound. Breathe in the fresh new day, let the air fill your chest, Mindfulness in practice, a tranquil moment’s rest-
Every day Life  greeted  us with more things on our plate then ever
before; women all over the would are experiencing burnout;
 “life pressures” – trying to keep up with the economy, kids,
husbandparents who are coming up in age – it’s no wonder why
women all over the world  are feeling  overwhelmed –
Research shows that women may feel overwhelmed due to:
1. Stress, anxiety, or depression, often linked to feelings of sadness or loneliness.
2. The pressure to be happy and active can be overwhelming, especially during season changes like spring.
3. Setting unreachable goals for themselves, leading to burnout.
4. Not taking breaks between tasks, leading to exhaustion.
5. Not maintaining a healthy diet or hydration, affecting their physical and mental health.
” At the tender age of 18 motherhood was no easy task – although
the energy of youth was present ; I not only felt overwhelmed –
burnout was a constant re- occurrence in my life. Age truly holds no
 bounds when it comes to the pressures of motherhood “
Notice the world around you, feel the earth beneath your feet, Listen to your heartbeat’s rhythm, steady and upbeat. Release the thoughts that burden, let them drift away, In this space of mindful stillness, only peace may stay-
fast forward years later – I’ve learned how to create space for
myself that allows for healing and rejuvenation– such as:
  1. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness can help in calming the mind and reducing feelings of overwhelm. This can be achieved through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few moments to focus on one’s breath.
  2. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities such as good nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and time for relaxation and fun.
  3. Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or professionals for support when feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes, talking about feelings and challenges can provide a new perspective and reduce the burden.
  4. Set Boundaries: Learning to say ‘no’ and setting personal boundaries can help in managing stress and prevent feelings of overwhelm.
  5. Organize and Plan: Breaking down tasks into manageable chunks and planning the day or week can make things feel less overwhelming
Here are some simple yet powerful “techniques” –  that will aid you on your journey to living a calmer stress-free life style:
  • breathing exercises,
  • being kind to yourself
  • writing things down
  • Asking for help
  • going out in nature
Walk in gentle awareness, each step a conscious act, In the present is where life happens, that’s a simple fact. Mindfulness, a silent whisper, guiding you to be, In this moment, in this breath, truly present, truly free.
Creating and holding space for yourself allow you to receive clarity
alleviating the sense of overwhelms – Giving you the opportunity to
live a more for feeling life for yourself and the people you love.
The End!
Thanks for reading! click here to receive your “Free” gift! 


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





Health is wealth – Eat to live or live to eat- that’s the Question!

 As we’re  all blessed to see the NEW day ; It’s the same
 question every – day ; What should I eat?  For the most part we’re
fortunate to live in a society with an abundance of food researches  has
stated that – over 19.7% of adolescents and children in the U.S. alone has
14.7 million people who  are dealing with some kind of obesity issues.
Don’t get me started on the influencesaffordability has on the
type of food low-income groups tend to rely on;  Poverty can significantly
impact the way people eat. For those living in poverty, access to nutritious and
balanced meals can often be a challenge.  where for the most part  they only
have access is to cheap and convenient low nutrients foods.  like processed
foods which are high in calories but lack essential nutrients. eating theses
type of food; can lead to health problems like obesity and malnutrition.  
where as living in food desertsareas where fresh, healthy food is not readily
available – can further limit their options

Continue reading “Health is wealth – Eat to live or live to eat- that’s the Question!”

“Walk it – like you “talk: it”

As the famous Migos the raper stated in his2018 “Walk it – like you “talk it”
hit song; This song played every were and if it wasn’t
being played; everyone including my self was singing it lol
The questions we should to be asking ourself-  is why was this song so catchy
 other then Drake featuring in the video lol  – the song made you
feel like you had to be accountable;  back in the day we use to
say things like “your word is you bound” – In today’s time people change
there mind with the wind.

Continue reading ““Walk it – like you “talk: it””

The Lords Prayers –

The Lords Prayers

Everyday I give thanks for all that the Lord our God has  made.. These last couple of month impartial has been life change … 

I’ve noticed it when I gave myself the challenge of  reading the word aka my

bible everyday – doing this gave so much in site abling me to put things in

perspective ; I’m not surprised that reading the Bible would have such an

impact  on me – it’s just how fast it idid. I have experienced countless moments

of small and large gifts of love;  I’ve received moment were I would pray to

God –  asking  the lord our God  does he hear me – and just like that I would

Continue reading “The Lords Prayers –”

When spring arrives- the mind blossoms

When spring arrives- the mind blossoms

Now that the sun is staying out later – it’s very easy to feel all the things

that comes with spring –

All  those projects you told your self over the winter that you would get to:

  • clean the closet
  • paint the kitchen
  • write the book
  • looses the extra weight

The overwhelming filling of having to get it all these things done

can live you felling well… not to sunny inside,

Researchers  has be none to say that the arrival of spring can bring a

surprising feeling of sadness – This is often happens due to a

contrast effect, where the brightening weather and longer days

tends to bring on inner feelings of sadness or loneliness feel more

prominent. – The pressure to be happy and active can also

be overwhelming. It’s important to remember that you

don’t have to feel ‘springy’ – because spring is here.

There was a time I would put so much pressure on my self to have

every thing looking it’s best and feeling my best – man that would be

so far from the truth – not only did I not feel my best I would

create such an unreachable gaol for myself to get everything done

at a certain time –  by the 3rd week of spring I would be burnt

out, Leading  me to chuck – the list to the said some were along the way.

This is what you don’t want to do my friend – here are some key

points that will help you not only achieve  all the things on your list –

these tips will allow you to have fun while doing so:

  1. Open the “windows” – this will help you feel your best while you attempt to clean those dust bunnies.
  2. Drink “water” –  this is something I’m always reminding myself to do – believe

me it’s very every easy to get carried away with our tasks   leading

to forget to stay hydrated.

  1. Set up a timer for lunch – not eating on time will only slow you

down in the long run – if your not the kind of person who likes to

eat big meals – I find having  peaces of fruit to be very helpful

  1. Play some music – this one maybe my  favorite yet; t here is something

to beside about putting your favorite song on blast – while doing

house work or any kind of task were your moving around.

  1. take breaks in between tasks – there is something called tomorrow! it’s okay if you don’t get it all done in one day.

having this kind of mind set allows you to pace your self – allowing

room for rest and recovery – which is very important in achieving any gaol.

The End!

Thanks for reading!  click here for your “Free” Gift! As a show of my appreciation.


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





“The paralyzed man” Mark 2:1-28 as sores of strength in our lives?

“The paralyzed man”  but 

Mark 2:1-28

as a soures of strength in our Lives? 

Life can thorough you curveballs but it doesn’t main you have to hang around

to catch it! like were does it say we really have to do anything. Yes! We all

participate in life to live in harmony with one another, Yes there’s  also others

whom would rather give two F#$ks!  Thing  is… You have the choose to make

the changes in your life but YOU! have to participate  in you..

Continue reading ““The paralyzed man” Mark 2:1-28 as sores of strength in our lives?”

Why listening to the word of God will help you reach your goals!

My loves welcome back to the blog! Man the year just stared and it already

feels like were in the thick of it!

One of the things I’ve been doing my best to keep tabs on is how am I feeling

internally; The best way to get an honest answer; Is to set time out to

sit with God.. when we set time aside to talk with God we can more so hear

what Gods path is for our lives.. And guess what; Your in luck!.. This week

Continue reading “Why listening to the word of God will help you reach your goals!”

Why it’s important to practice self care after the holiday’s!

Now that the holidays are almost over; there’s no better time like the present

to get back on track with our Self-care routine!

If your anything like me; longing for that special time is at an all times high! If

not let me tell you at lest from my perspective why you may want to run and jot

down some time to start a Self care routine. Continue reading “Why it’s important to practice self care after the holiday’s!”

Trust in Gods word!

The word “trust” brings up so much emotions; As Matthew 19:26 says “With

God all things are Possible” there is something about this particular text that truly had me thinking!

maybe it’s just me; but I find myself asking

myself  “what and how can I live my

best life” this question use to stir up so

much anxiety; Just thinking about the

question … what is my place in this world

like wow! it wasn’t until

recently the answer appeared to me. which I

believe came from reading the living word of God!

Continue reading “Trust in Gods word!”

God love is endless!

I just want to start of by saying thank you Lord for being the same today

tomorrow and beyond!

Guy these day I can’t stop saying thank you! Especially in these crazy  times

I’m sure you understand we’re I’m coming from. God has been doing some

awesome thing in my life; For one my faith has radically change.. Although I

have always been a believer in the creator God I can’t deny my prayer life

hasn’t been through it’s own ups and downs…

Continue reading “God love is endless!”

The 4th of July!

So it’s the 4th of July! Independence Day, Now I’m not to going  get in to the

logistics of when freedom rained, But I will give thanks!

Thanks for the Grace of God to have allowed us the will power to see things

though,  that Some good preaching right there lol,  As of late my obsession of

finding out what God truly has in store for me, could be an understatement!

Now don’t miss understand;  No dote am I done with the wild wonders of life…

Continue reading “The 4th of July!”

June bloom!

As today is the “Full Moon” in Scorpio!  The energy for the month of June

brings in a New Version of self!

Other then the fact that June being the most incapable month ever! Not to

machine June is my Birthday Month! I’m her for all the Sunshine and Love

June has to offer! Sometimes I feel like this Particular Month is the one of the

only times I give myself permission to really let gon lol!!!

I’ve  came to understand its the Sun! This is

one of the reasons why I wanted to dedicate

this  blog to the Full Moon in Scorpio! It’s a

perfect time to celebrate  “June Bloom” were

everything comes to life! I have so much

Gratitude that I’m able  to be part of this

Energy.. In saying that; What can we take away from this month full moon

Scorpio; the word “Observation “ comes up! See when we slowdown and get

still wen put ouse selves in position to be able to see what has always been

right in front of us; This is one of the reasons Continue reading “June bloom!”

Why holding on to you dreams when things gets rocky could be the best thing to do!!!

Let’s face it when life gets messy it’s really easy to walk away from the our

dreams! Why is that? What is it that makes us want to turn our backs on the

very thing we work so hard to build! I believe it’s one world fair!  You know the

old saying “when the going gets tough the tough gets going” this is so true at

least it was for me! Theses last couple of weeks has not been the easiest for

me, just when I was kicking some real ass at the gym, let’s just say I wind up

kicking my on ass and just like that I found

myself having to deal with a back

injury! Go figure… Needless to say other then

the pain I could not do literally

anything for weeks at a time.. talk about my

ultimately pride deflating… But

thank God I didn’t deflate all the way lol.. Over

the course of the years your girl

learned a thing or two to say the least.. oh and yes your girl is doing much

better with plenty of bed rest  we found or self recovering sooner than later!

Elizabeth Magical Garden

Continue reading “Why holding on to you dreams when things gets rocky could be the best thing to do!!!”

House of cards || How to deal with Life when it doesn’t play your favorite hand!

When life gets crazy what we do: Products how the ending unfolds!  There are

many factors When feeling overwhelmed: lets be honest life can

real hand you shit card some times! although life can hand us a gray area for

the lake of better words lol we can tend to

feel like this is the end, Like Sanford

from the hit comedy show in the 70’s Sanford

and son!  when every things

would go wrong he would put his hand to his

heart and say to his wife who

pasted on ” I’m coming home Elizabeth”  this was an on going theme, one of

Continue reading “House of cards || How to deal with Life when it doesn’t play your favorite hand!”

Set your mind free and receive your abundance!

There something about closing your eyes while the

air swipes your face, Giving your self the foredoom to think and dream! Yes

dream.. Preforming this way of thinking more

times then not allows you to join

in on your free mind! giving way to true

abundance, I’m all about easy; Manifesting

does not require much efforts. We are

suppose to dream! this is why; When ever

you close your eyes you can create,  This week podcast; We discourse how to allow and be okay with how those dreams

Continue reading “Set your mind free and receive your abundance!”

Sunday chill day || Meditative outdoor vibes|| Nature Heals!

Guys these day I’ve been making it an extra point to take time out and enjoy

the view! As the Gym becoming such an important part of my daily life, Going

out and spending time in nature is key! using my rest days to get in as much

nature as posable… The Sun is out and we can’t for get the leaves! can we all

say yeah!!! I don’t know about you; But I’ve been waiting all winter for this lol..

you guys know how much I love to share! I’ve put together a small but

powerfully sweet  video for you guys, Be Sure to  Enjoy!


Continue reading “Sunday chill day || Meditative outdoor vibes|| Nature Heals!”

Why “Practicing Gratitude” slows down the aging process!!!


How is it possible; By “Practicing Gratitude”  you age less ☀️just like the

Sun, We give so much of ourselves with out even knowing!  How

many people you’ve helped over the years, If you identify with any of these

Mother, home maker, wifesister, girlfriend you’ve more

then likely given your share of time, performed selfless

deeds!  Especially if your in your late 40’s, 50’s, 60’s! 

You maybe asking Why is that? Well in short;  you know the value of  giving!

Continue reading “Why “Practicing Gratitude” slows down the aging process!!!”

Why Active Rest Days Are Important!

Sometimes you just have to ask your self whats the point? Think about it you

workout 3 to 4 times out the week and oh does it feel so good, and then boom

right out of a cannon! you feel like shit some were around getting out of bed

and around the first step into the shower, Can we all

say F$%K lol…  No but seriously! This is why rest days

are oh sooooimpotent,  Rest day is were the magic

happens! From the first day you were bone you were disined to grow

when you were in a rested state; So it only makes perfect seance that

Continue reading “Why Active Rest Days Are Important!”

How to Create the Life you want by Taking the Next Right Step!


Guys this week podcast episode is all about

taking the next right step. Yeah you got it

taking one step at a Time in creating the life

that we know that is here for us as well as

ultimately creating our life goals. I took the

time to discuss this topic that helped me on

my journey,  this approach not only

help me in achieving  multiple checks off my to-do list, It also allowed me to

consistently pivot forward instead of going backwards!  Be sure to tune in and enjoy.


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.




How going the gym consistently increases your physical strength!

Guy’s working out is hard to to do!  think about you go through so much

emotions on why  you should or shouldn’t  put your sneaker on or throw them

to the  waist side!  I’m hear to to cheer  you on  as well as tell you why you

should put those sneaker on, in Tuesday blog post  were we discussed what I

noted in my fitness journey ;  Yap! in saying that is only right that  dedicate a

podcast Ep. to it! physical strength is the futon of

youth! as we approach our sliver years didecasting

time to our physical  steranth is key to staying

youn! why should we run away from life  just

because were getting older, The fact that your

readying this blog says you feel the same way I

Continue reading “How going the gym consistently increases your physical strength!”

What to Expect when starting your Fitness Journey in your late 40’s Tips!

 Fitness journey in your late 40’s Tips!

What to Expect when starting your Fitness Journey  in your let 40s! Here are

some Tips and tricks! Starting your fitness journey is no easy task



🌸water 🌸



the New Year has passed,  The resolutions has gone to a distant land but yet

we still have this on going desire to better ourselves ,  Our Fitness journey,

you know the old saying I’ll lose 10 pounds, I’ll get buffed, I’ll get ripped for the

new year we start, we even go hard for that first month maybe even the

second month   Then life happens; the kids need new shoes, the rent has to be

payed, wish means we may have to stay later at work so we can earn more

money etc. etc. .  There goes our fitness journey Wow! needless to say in your Continue reading “What to Expect when starting your Fitness Journey in your late 40’s Tips!”

Self-Sabotage Why we do it? || Tips to help stop self sabotage!!!!

 Self sabotage, why we do it, On Google and here are some of the answers that was given…

1. It often stems from low self-esteem, negative self-talk, and related negative emotions, which are continually reinforced by the resulting failure.

2. Self-sabotage is your brain’s way of trying to protect you from emotional pain.

3. Self-sabotaging happens when there’s a mismatch between our values and our behavior. Elizabeth Magical Garden

Here are Three Simple tips:  That will help Change the course of your Life in a positive way!!!

Continue reading “Self-Sabotage Why we do it? || Tips to help stop self sabotage!!!!”

Trust Yourself!!!

Hey guys this week podcast was so Empowering! Trust! you want to listen,

The word “trust” has always been  such a powerful mind

fuck! if you know what I mean, While I’m happy to say with years

upon year of self-love and lots of

therapy! I’m proud to say  the word “trust” is my go to!

 I’ve  learned that trusting myself holds power!  Be sure to stay tuned and enjoy this week message! Remember the power resides within you!

Continue reading “Trust Yourself!!!”

Get smarter while walking!!!

“Death” is in the eyes of the beholder or The beholder of the “eye”

Love is what you make it, Like a cake, It’s never comes out “perfect”


As I walk to the gym I noticed how every one were kind of

happy do to the nice weather, which I could understand it was

just 10° a couple of days ago.. being efficient is extremely

important to me, thank God for audible! Right! Like were would

we be heaven for bid we would have to sit and read

a books without getting other things done just saying.. don’t get

me wrong there’s nothing like nestling up with a great book you

know setting the vibes, wine and nice blankets, candles Ext. Personally,

I love lavender something about that lavender

smell just puts me in a clam mood, in saying that I have some

tips which will enlighten your pallet for those who can’t or

doesn’t have the time as of late to sit down with a great book.

Continue reading “Get smarter while walking!!!”

Time planned is neven wasted || Were do you waste energy??

Hi guys welcome back to the blog were here, making it a point to visit our blog

post at least every two weeks! our new topic this week  is all about setting a

specific intention in where you spend your energy! I know for me if it wasn’t for

pen and paper things would really be in a gruesomely dark space, Just saying…

I find every time I took time to write things down,  as well as break those goals

down,  Allows room to be in such a winning space.  think about it; allowing

yourself the freedom to think, the freedom to execute your goal due to the

process of elimination of all the things that doesn’t serve you guys… We’re

about to get really specific!

Continue reading “Time planned is neven wasted || Were do you waste energy??”

Luna the magical cat!!!

Hey my love welcome back to this weeks blog post,

I have been loving the beautiful Fall weather!

I can already feel the crisp Energy as well as feeling  it in my

bones, I don’t know about you guys but whenever the weather is going to

change I definitely can feel it weeks ahead, I use to think it was age,

But come to think about it, I’ve been like that since i was little girl I’m extremely

susceptive to the weather‘s shift in energy, with that being said the air

definitely pulled in the tied, A force of some magical  loving energy has

entered my life and her

Name is Luna. funny it how it feels like she’s been here forever, It’s only

been a couple of days shy from a week that she’s has

entered our lives.

🌸Luna the magical cat🌸

Continue reading “Luna the magical cat!!!”

Gratitude and Joy!

Guy’s well come back to the blog! One of the things I pride myself in, Is always

having Gratitude! So today I dedicate this Blog post to just that, Two yeas ago I

had a dream actually I had many dreams, but this one in partucuarly,  was to

create a  Podcast, Yes two years of, Self-doubt and wandering if I really had

what it takes to follow though, now here we are Two Years Later at

100 down loads 🎉

 The Proud owner and Founder of

 Elizabeth Magical Garden! Continue reading “Gratitude and Joy!”

3 ways spinach can help you look and feel younger!

Hey guy’s welcome back to the blog! I’m so excited to dive into the topic  of

beauty and health, It’s funny although it’s common sense, While one would

say common sense is not that common lol food play such a Major part in not

only our health but also what our skin looks like. Growing up watching the

cartoon character ‘Pop-eye the sailor man”When ever he was in a pinch he

would eat his spinach, And just like that his body would literally transform into

muscle machine! Now I’m not saying your going to have muscles bulging out

the arms, But this supper food has it’s benefits that can be seen from the inside out!

Here are three ways Spinach can  help you look and feel younger! 

Continue reading “3 ways spinach can help you look and feel younger!”

3 Tips on how to release trapped emotions!

Releasing trapped emotions

is something I had to lean the

value of, And man

 it took me almost a lifetime to

learn, And to be honest I’m still leaning, Here

are three helpful tips I believe that can help you live a more freeing yet

peaceful life.

Release trapped emotions:

Speak to someone” that you trust” Believe me when I tell you I’m a very

private person, Speaking to anybody about my feelings has never came easy

form me BUT iv learned releasing trapped emotion is a healing journey .

 Finding somebody to speak to helps you release TRAPPED emotions that you

didn’t even notice, over the years that you were still holding on to. Which helps

you realize your self from the inside out.  One of the ways that helped me to

releasing trapped emotion was seeking out a therapist, Now I know

everyone isn’t into speaking to a  therapist so hear me out, I to was one of “those

people for a time, But guess what when the shit hits the fan, All that changed

for me and I’ve never looked back. If you

don’t want to speak to someone that you know on a personal level this is

definitely an option. Continue reading “3 Tips on how to release trapped emotions!”

Full Moon In Capricorn

 Guys!!! Happy Full moon in Capricorn! I’m so excited to be here with you guys,

we’re still in retrograde, Pluto is in retrograde in Capricorn As I pull cards  from

My tarot deck let’s see what card came out,  The “ten of pentacles’ Yup! guys

this is such a how can I say, A very powerful and exciting time in our lives we

really went through some shit… Okayyyy! These last couple of years, to say the

least dare I say the last couple of months even,  With Pluto being in

Retrograde in Capricorn, Pluto the planet of “destruction and  re-birth

A lot of skin had to be shed, I spoke about my journey  on my #62  Episode on

{Elizabeth Magical Garden} Be sure to check it out,  In saying that; it wasn’t until

I looked back  on my own Journey I realized so much  skin has been shed,  I’m a

completely different person, We’re always ascending into our higher self in my

humble opinion,  In the ten of Pentacles She has a plethora of things in front of

her. Here’s the thing “As above so Below” “As within so with out”  This image can be

perceived either way, Meaning, Looking into the mirror  Professing the things

you want to achieving in life or You can look in the mirror and basically be

ashamed and have self loathing and not like  what you see,  that’s

deep! Wow that just came through aka sprite

massage✨  That particular download from Pluto being in retrograde in

Capricorn was a kicker, For the NEXT card, OMG! The Strength card look

at her… She’s in what I would call “paradise ”  the animals are all around her,

Just wanting to be in her gaze , As she’s

just allowing them to come close to her

Continue reading “Full Moon In Capricorn”

3 Simple way to becoming your Authentic self: Power message!

 Guy’s this is such a heavy topic,  Like when you

think about “your self “  You know, “The you”

that no body sees, “The you” that sings in the

shower as if,

your on stage and everyone is passionately 

screaming your name lol …  You know……

“The you” that’s completely Free, When not a

soul is around lol, No but

seriously on podcast Episode #62 @ Elizabeth Magical Garden be sure to

check it out,  I discussed the power of allowing yourself the space and

Freedom to be your Authentic Self.

Speaking your truth allows you to be your Authentic Self:

Continue reading “3 Simple way to becoming your Authentic self: Power message!”

Numerology meaning behind the number 9

The Number 9 is such a special number,  The fact that it takes  9 months to

create a life is magical of its own, While being the first  thing’s a young girl

learn’s as she progress and grow into a women ,  Which was the case for

me. On Elizabeth Magical Garden Podcast episode #60 Be sure to check it out
if you missed it 😉

I was lead by the “Divine”

Energy to dedicate my 60th! Podcast to the number 9,  Needless to say your

Girl was hyped 😉

Elizabeth Magical Garden

Continue reading “Numerology meaning behind the number 9”

Understanding the true meaning of life – “self awareness”

Understanding the true meaning of life – “self awareness 

Remember when 90’s r&b was hot back I’m the day – ah the good old day’s;

those we’re the  times when  people were what seem’s the happiest and

artists took the time to create music that shed light and love.

With the world now promoting Misery and doubt – it’s no wonder the world has

become such a lonely place- or is it?

The meaning of loneliness :

“Loneliness” : some type of life transition or

lifestyle choice that reduces the number of

perceived connections with other people, both

physically and emotionally :

The question posed ; what created the “loneliness

people are now feeling – in a would filled with social media one would think 🤔 people would be

anything but: think about it – social connection is just

a click away – with the massive upgrades of the cell phones people are staying

connected even more then before-  in my day – the only way you were able to

connected to your friends – was to go outside or have a sleep over; well that’s

if your partners were A) cool enough B) could afford such gatherings- A or B

wasn’t happening in my home due to my mom being a single parent- her mean

concern was  keeping us safe and putting food on the table; none the less I had

a great child hood – I’m proud to say.

Continue reading “Understanding the true meaning of life – “self awareness””