Trust in Gods word!

The word “trust” brings up so much emotions; As Matthew 19:26 says “With

God all things are Possible” there is something about this particular text that truly had me thinking!

maybe it’s just me; but I find myself asking

myself  “what and how can I live my

best life” this question use to stir up so

much anxiety; Just thinking about the

question … what is my place in this world

like wow! it wasn’t until

recently the answer appeared to me. which I

believe came from reading the living word of God!

Continue reading “Trust in Gods word!”

God love is endless!

I just want to start of by saying thank you Lord for being the same today

tomorrow and beyond!

Guy these day I can’t stop saying thank you! Especially in these crazy  times

I’m sure you understand we’re I’m coming from. God has been doing some

awesome thing in my life; For one my faith has radically change.. Although I

have always been a believer in the creator God I can’t deny my prayer life

hasn’t been through it’s own ups and downs…

Continue reading “God love is endless!”

The 4th of July!

So it’s the 4th of July! Independence Day, Now I’m not to going  get in to the

logistics of when freedom rained, But I will give thanks!

Thanks for the Grace of God to have allowed us the will power to see things

though,  that Some good preaching right there lol,  As of late my obsession of

finding out what God truly has in store for me, could be an understatement!

Now don’t miss understand;  No dote am I done with the wild wonders of life…

Continue reading “The 4th of July!”

Hair Detox Review!!!

Can we talk Hair!!! Well for one my hair needed some much needed T.L.C. 

This week was not only a good time for self love; It’s also a good time to Re-

group and get ready for what’s ahead; In this video we get though my hair

Detox journey!!!

Hair Detox


Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





June bloom!

As today is the “Full Moon” in Scorpio!  The energy for the month of June

brings in a New Version of self!

Other then the fact that June being the most incapable month ever! Not to

machine June is my Birthday Month! I’m her for all the Sunshine and Love

June has to offer! Sometimes I feel like this Particular Month is the one of the

only times I give myself permission to really let gon lol!!!

I’ve  came to understand its the Sun! This is

one of the reasons why I wanted to dedicate

this  blog to the Full Moon in Scorpio! It’s a

perfect time to celebrate  “June Bloom” were

everything comes to life! I have so much

Gratitude that I’m able  to be part of this

Energy.. In saying that; What can we take away from this month full moon

Scorpio; the word “Observation “ comes up! See when we slowdown and get

still wen put ouse selves in position to be able to see what has always been

right in front of us; This is one of the reasons Continue reading “June bloom!”