“Walk it – like you “talk: it”

As the famous Migos the raper stated in his2018 “Walk it – like you “talk it”
hit song; This song played every were and if it wasn’t
being played; everyone including my self was singing it lol
The questions we should to be asking ourself-  is why was this song so catchy
 other then Drake featuring in the video lol  – the song made you
feel like you had to be accountable;  back in the day we use to
say things like “your word is you bound” – In today’s time people change
there mind with the wind.

  Researchers earlier showed that saying “no” has several benefits:

  1. Preserves Energy and Time: By saying “no” to tasks or activities that are not a priority, you save energy and time for  things that truly matters to you.
  2. Sets Boundaries: It allows you to set boundaries and lets others know what you can and cannot do, which  leads to a healthier relationships and prevent burnout.
  3. Promotes Self-Care: Saying “no” can be a form of self-care. It allows you to take care of your  needs and well-being.
  4. Boosts Self-Confidence and Respect: When you assertively say “no,” you gain more respect from others and boost your self-confidence.
  5. Improves Decision-Making Skills: The more you practice saying “no,” the better you become at making decisions that are in your best interest.
When you don’t keep
your word, you
lose credibility
-Robin Sharma
See when these this happens it’s hard to build trust.
A lot people like to make empty promises so they can feel good
about what they are promising; so they want feel guilty; or they
make promises due to people-pleasing tendency – ether way
making empty promises doesn’t help anyone believe in  you or
what you have to say.

Let your work speak for it’s self :

Every time you make a decision to move forward with your goals

you show your self that you are able to keep promises to your self.

this build confidence.

A few help-full tips: 
  • Don’t answer fast: things always seem clear after a good nights sleep.
  • look at your calendar: Most times Its not so much we don’t want to help or be a part what ever is being asked  – time doesn’t allow it.
The Big Picture:

Keep your “word “– and win the day!  

Do Theses 5 things. To Enhances. Your “Personal Brand.”

Keeping your “word” –  enhances your:

  •  reputation
  • personal brand
  • your dependability
  • Self-Respect
  • Promotes Consistency

Keeping your word not only affects how others see you, but also how you see

yourself. It boosts your self-esteem and self-respect. Being consistent in

keeping your word makes you more productive and efficient in your personal

and professional life; Making you appear much more trustworthy.

Your words holds value – when you make it a
point to consider the words that are coming
out of your mouth; you build trust and
respect with  others as well as yourself.
“People with
good intentions
make promises
but people with
good character
keep them”.
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Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





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