5 way’s to “recover” from burnout –

5 way’s to “recover” from burnout –

Hey guy’s how are you i know it’s been awhile and as you cas see in the tile you

pretty much know why.  over the last pass month  the every day task has

gotten header and header  and i didn’t know why – i was doing all the thing’s

that i thought would keep me on the level but what can I say – no matter how

much we proper  life still has it’s way; so today I would to share some of the

things i’ve learned  through my recovery – Oh by the way I also mentioned and

discussed some help full out looks on my Vlog channel  so be sure to check it

out and don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you can be notified when

ever there’s a new   Vlog on the channel

people everyday are running on empty ; while still meeting deadlines at work ;

taking clear of love ones and so much more while never take not even 5

minute to check in with there self’s; and we wonder why the percentage rate

has went up significantly of the amount of people dealing with mental illness.

Reaserchs has found that an estimated 26% of Amercans  ages 18 and older as well as 1 in 4 adults are suffering from some form of mental disorder; Wow!

So what can we do to help us deal and potentially stay clear from the things that may trigger the underlying routed – cause of these disorder for our life’s the most part?

As a person who deals and struggles withdiagnosed anxiety disorder her are my 5 helpful tip’s that are shoure to help you on you rode to recovery –

  1. Get help – yeah maybe saying your good and don’t need any help; I too used to feel the same way until i found that was one of the maen resons I was stuggaling to get by- asking for help whether from a friend or a professional alows you the space to heal and release unknow baggage you may be carrying.
  2. Get enough sleep – We don’t relize how importent sleep realy is not only do need it – you can’t live without it. when you get adequate sleep the body has enough time to heal it’s self. So try to make it a point to get a full 7 to 8 hr. your bady and brain will thank you.
  3. Go out in nature – There has never been a time I’ve  didn’t feel better atfter going out in nature and hanging out around some cool trees; there something to be said about the air you breath when around such greenry. Try it trust me it will do you a world of good.
  4. Eat a balanced diet –  A balanced diet ensures your body receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs to function properly; As well as supports skin health – Consuming a variety of nutrients will contribute to healthier skin and may help combat signs of aging.
  5. Give your self grace – try to remind your self – that you are a person who is doing the best that you can with what ever is in frount of you –  this might sound simple but belive  me when i say it’s very easy to forget at times- at least at time it has been for me. so chill out go for a walk do something the helps put a smile on your face – for me it’s writing and creating content – it dosent have to make seance to any one eals as long as it makes you happy that the point – make it a point to work on the things thatbrings you joy – not only will you be happy but the people that you hold dear will find joy to helping to make the world around you a better place.

The End…

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Peace, Love and Blessings Lovelies Xoxo.





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